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Candy Board for Winter Bee Food

Here are directions for making candy board, winter bee food. This recipe makes about three boards. Adjust as needed depending on how many colonies you keep.
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Prep Time:1 hour


  • Candy board frames
  • Large tub
  • Parchment paper


  • 50 lbs granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup white vinegar
  • 4 oz Honey B Healthy
  • 4 cups water


  • Cut a piece of parchment paper to fit inside the candy board frame. Cut a square out on one end, about 2 by 2 inches.
  • In a large storage tub, pour the bag of sugar. Add vinegar, water, and Honey B Healthy.
  • Begin to stir with your hands, mixing until completely combined. This will take several minutes. Make sure to get all along the bottom and in the corners. All of the sugar should be mixed in.
  • Once the mixture can be formed into a "snowball", it is ready. If the mixture is still crumbly and dry, add a small amount of water and continue mixing.
  • Begin to pack the sugar mixture onto the frames, pressing hard and smoothing over the top. Leave a hole over where the cut-out in the parchment paper is, as in the photo above.
  • Continue to pack the sugar mixture down firmly and smooth the top until the board is full almost to the top. This recipe should make three boards, depending on the depth of the boards you're using.
  • Allow the finished boards to sit in a dry place for a few days to continue hardening.
  • These will go into the hives on top of the brood box and under the lid for the bees to feed on throughout the winter.
Servings: 3 boards